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The Community Solution - Students & Parents 

Download the free app and get directly connected to College Admissions.

Our app is FREE to students and parents and for a limited time, FREE to High Schools! Contact your school today to see if they have partnered with us!

  • An easy (bilingual A/I enabled) mobile app that connects Students and Parents directly to college admissions like star athletes, without giving up specific privacy concerns.


  • Students and Parents can work as a team with the mobile app to their ultimate goal, education achievement and a career.


  • An opportunity to connect all Students and Parents on a level playing field to college with less stress.


  • Mobile app for Students with carefully designed educational interventions to support goal attainment.

  • By connecting through our mobile app we empower colleges to support Students and Parents directly.

  • Empowers Students to be proactive connecting to the right college from the app, much earlier in the process.


  • The student has the option to update their qualitative profile for a career choice, college choice or CTE pathway.


  • We improve college acceptance rates connecting each Stakeholder into a new Community Solution Education System.

"SIEMBRA utilizes a mobile intervention to scaffold high school students exploring post-secondary opportunities that mirrors the framework of self-monitoring interventions. This assistive intervention provides a mobile notification as a "nudge" to lead the high schooler throughout each phase of the college application process from exploration, outreach, writing, application, and submission. This interdisciplinary groundwork has paved the way for the deployment to meet students from all levels, communities, abilities, and backgrounds."

Melody Mann - Sr. Research Associate PhD. in residence. 
Director Secondary Education Support
Siembra Mobile Inc.

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